Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Mummy style, my new trend............

I had hoped that my style would stay much the same when becoming a Mum, why wouldn't it? Well there are some rules I have learnt along the way...............

1. Top of the list, no more high heels, well at least not when carrying a toddler around on your hip. Of course they are completely acceptable if you have a night off (or if your Victoria Beckham and you have a car waiting in the wings everywhere you go) only problem is your so not used to wearing them anymore you have to relearn how to walk in them. Flat pumps are my new best friend.

2. Any low cut or strapless tops. Toddlers like to pull on everything and who wants their very unsexy nude t.shirt bra on show?!

3. Dresses. Ok this is for breast feeding Mum's. I found myself with a christening to go to when little un was just 2 weeks old, call me a fuss pot but I wanted to wear a frock not a skirt and top that I could pull up for easy access mid ceremony. Thank the Lord for breast pumps!

4. Jewellery. Well any sort that goes around your neck - you really don't want your Nan's vintage pearls ending up in the toy box. Also any sort of earring longer than a stud - unless you want to risk never being able to wear earrings EVER again, ouch!

5. Low cut jeans. Constant bending down to pick up dummies, toys, food squished in your carpet, putting little un in and out of the car seat, I could go on here. Lucky for me a higher waist is very much in this season plus they are very flattering on a Mummy tum.

6. Short cut tops. A longer line can cover your Mummy tum and/or muffin top, unless your lucky enough to not have either of those then you can be proud in your crop top a la Gwen Stefani (did you see her on last Saturdays X Factor? A-Mazing!)

7. Anything white. Sick, snot, food, you get the picture.

8. Always have a spare outfit ready in the morning. See point 7.

Friday, 26 October 2012

But who will look after the baby?

Me: I have a meeting to go to in London in a few weeks

Hubby: Oh right, but who will look after the baby?

Me: Um, you!? Your off work that day.

Hubby: How am I ever expected to get anything done round the house?!

I needn't say anymore.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Stick thin is so last year................

We were lucky enough to have the amazing Caryn Franklin of The Clothes Show fame (how I used to love Sunday nights waiting for Caryn and Jeff's latest fashion tips) do an inspirational Skype presentation to students and staff last week. Caryn is now a co-founder of All Walks beyond the Catwalk along with Deborah Bourne and Erin O'Connor. All Walks work with influential catwalk designers and top industry creatives to celebrate more diversity within the fashion industry. As a new Mum and as an educator of the future fashion creatives I know only too well how the messages we get from the media can effect the society of today. We are constantly shown ideals that are not healthy or natural. The media has blurred our perception of what beauty really is. Now most of us have been there, I certainly have; the constant dieting, thinking your not good enough, finding the first few grey hairs, the first wrinkles, I could go on. Since becoming a Mum are these things really that important? Honestly, yes and no. I'll still dye my hair and I'll still have a mini panic attack when my anti-wrinkle cream has run out but deep down I am slowly realising that those things are not the bee all and end all of my world in comparison to my little munchkin. I can only hope that I can teach my little girl to see the beauty in everyone and that one day I'll feel confident enough to ditch the expensive cream that clearly isn't working!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Successful day shopping................

Some Chanel mascara and lippy which I MUST keep away from baby! Oh and some gorgeous red suede heels, although totally impractical to run around with a baby in this miserable weather!

Monday, 24 September 2012

What a day.................

I hate interviews with a passion, now I can stand up in front of a class and talk all day long about fashion design and construction but put me in a room with 4 people for a grilling and I'm a bag of nerves! I wasn't going for a new job by the way (I'm lucky enough to love what I do) just another role that would have been in addition to my job. Anyway you can probably tell I didn't get it but there was very stiff competition and the way I see it its all experience (and an excuse for a new frock!) I'll always blame baby brain forever more! x

Friday, 21 September 2012

The perfect bag for a mum on the run................

Well London Fashion Week is over and as a avid lover of all things Mulberry I couldn't wait to see their new range of bags. This Willow bag is just the right size for all the important baby bits us mums need to cart around with us plus it has a clutch you can unzip off the front, 2 bags for the price of one I say! A mum can dream!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Catching up............

Ok, so I should have stared this blog a while ago, perhaps when I got pregnant? Perhaps in the run up to the birth? Perhaps after the birth? Perhaps when my beautiful little daughter turned one? Ah yes, and so the story begins here when she is 13 months old! As my description says, this motherhood business is a busy one, all consuming to say the least!

To cut a 13 month story short.................
Our darling daughter decided to come along on our 2nd wedding anniversary, I guess that's kinda cute! Born a tiny 5lbs 11.5oz (I have a great respect for women who push out bigger than that let me tell you). The first few months were a bit of a blur and filled with days of the typical newborn joys; cracked nipples, leaking milk, nappies, sudo cream and sleepless nights. After about 5 months (cue sleeping through the night, hallelujah!) things got much more exciting as the little one started to do more. Then at 6 months it was back to work for me, what a juggling act but so far we are managing and of course my 'push present' Chanel pumps are certainly helping me run around in the mornings!